Why Do Bunnies Dig On You? Uncover the Truth About These Adorable Animals with ‘All About Rabbits’

Do you ever wonder why your bunny is always digging on you? Are you curious to know why bunnies dig on you? If so, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll explore why bunnies dig on you and all the other things you need to know about rabbits. From their behavior to their needs, we’ll cover it all so you can better understand and care for your furry friend. So, if you’re ready to learn about why bunnies dig on you and all the ins-and-outs of rabbit ownership, let’s get started!

What Causes Rabbits to Dig?

What Causes Rabbits To Dig?

Instinctive Digging

Rabbits are naturally inclined to dig and make burrows, as they do in the wild. This is a part of their instinctive behavior and is also a way for them to keep warm and find shelter. Therefore, it is natural for them to dig in their bedding, whether it is hay, straw, or blankets.

Boredom or Frustration

Another reason why rabbits might dig is because they are bored or frustrated. When they don’t have anything else to do, they can start to dig as a way to pass the time. This can be especially true if they are kept in a small area and don’t have enough room to move around. Additionally, they may dig if they are frustrated, such as if they don’t have enough toys to play with or if they are kept in a cage that is too small.
Why Do Rabbits Dig at Blankets?
Rabbits may dig at blankets because they are looking for a place to nestle and make a comfortable spot for themselves. They may also find the texture of the blanket soothing. Additionally, blankets may provide warmth and comfort for them, which could be why they seem to prefer them over other items in their cage.

Why Do Bunnies Dig on You?

Why Do Bunnies Dig On You?

Digging on Your Bed

Rabbits are natural burrowers, which means they like to dig, and your bed is a great place to do it. Your bed is a warm and comfortable spot that provides protection and security to your bunny. If your bunny digs on your bed, it may be a sign that they’re trying to make a safe space for themselves.

Digging at Blankets

Rabbits also like to dig at blankets, or anything else that provides them with a warm and cozy feeling. If you have a blanket that your bunny likes to dig on, they’re likely trying to make a comfortable spot for themselves.

Digging on You

Bunnies also like to dig on their owners. This is usually a sign that your bunny is feeling comfortable and secure around you. It’s also a sign that they want to be close to you. If your bunny is digging on you, it’s a sign that they trust you and want to be near you.

Scratching You

Some rabbits may also try to scratch their owner. This is usually a sign that they’re feeling comfortable and secure around you. It’s also a sign that they want to show you their affection and trust. If your bunny is scratching you, it’s a sign that they trust you and want to be close to you.

If you’re wondering why does my bunny dig on me, it’s likely because they feel safe and secure in your presence. Rabbits are naturally curious creatures, and they want to explore the world around them. Digging is a way for them to do this. By digging on you, they’re showing that they trust you and want to be close to you.

How to Stop Bunnies from Digging

Provide Toys and Activities

Rabbits are naturally curious, so providing them with toys and activities to keep them occupied is a great way to prevent them from digging on you. Try getting some chew toys, such as wood blocks, cardboard boxes, and paper towel rolls. If possible, provide your rabbit with a digging box filled with hay or other soft materials they can dig in and play with.

Supervise Your Rabbit

Supervising your rabbit when they’re out of their cage can help you understand why they are digging on you and how to stop them from doing it. If the digging behavior is caused by boredom, try to give them more stimulation by providing interactive toys. If the digging behavior is caused by stress, try to provide them with a calm environment.

Provide a Digging Box

A digging box is a great way to provide your rabbit with a designated area to dig without getting into trouble. Fill it with hay or other soft materials, such as shredded paper or cardboard, to give your rabbit something to dig into and play with.

Limit Access to Your Bed

If your rabbit is digging on you while you’re in bed, try to limit their access to the bed. Keep the door to the bedroom closed or provide a barrier to keep the rabbit out. If the digging behavior continues, try to provide them with a designated area to sleep, such as a cozy corner with a blanket or a soft bed.

In summary, why do bunnies dig on you? Bunnies dig on you because they are curious or because they are stressed. To stop them from digging on you, provide toys and activities, supervise your rabbit, provide a digging box, and limit access to your bed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any health risks associated with rabbits digging on you?

No, there are no known health risks associated with rabbits digging on you. Rabbits have no claws or sharp teeth, so they pose no danger to humans. In fact, rabbit digging can be beneficial as it can help to stimulate natural behaviours and provide mental stimulation for your pet.

What are the Signs That a Rabbit is Happy and Content When it is Digging on You?

When a rabbit is digging on you, it is usually a sign of contentment and happiness. Signs that a rabbit is happy and content when it is digging on you include: purring and chirping, grooming you with its paws, or rolling around near you. Rabbits may also show their contentment by thumping their hind legs, cuddling up close to you, or licking and nuzzling you.

How do rabbits express their affection by digging?

Rabbits express their affection by digging as a way to show their love. This behavior is often seen between bonded pairs of rabbits and is a sign that they are comfortable and happy with each other. Rabbits may also dig on their owners as a way of expressing their love and affection. This is often seen when the rabbit is feeling particularly content and relaxed, such as when the owner is petting them. The act of digging can also be a sign that the rabbit is seeking attention, so be sure to give them plenty of love and affection when they do dig on you.

How can I teach my rabbit not to dig on me?

To discourage your rabbit from digging on you, provide them with acceptable alternatives to dig on such as a cardboard box filled with shredded paper or hay. If your rabbit continues to dig on you, discourage them by making a loud noise and diverting their attention to an acceptable alternative. Additionally, exercise and playtime can help keep your rabbit from becoming bored, which can lead to digging. Finally, providing a proper diet and plenty of chew toys can also help decrease digging.

Are there any particular areas of the body that rabbits tend to dig on more than others?

Rabbits have a natural instinct to dig and they may dig on any part of your body. However, they tend to show more interest in certain areas, such as the neck, shoulders, and chest, as these areas provide the warmth and comfort they are looking for. Additionally, they may dig on the hands and feet, as they are more accessible. Therefore, if your rabbit is digging on your body, it is likely that they are seeking comfort and security.


Bunnies can make great pets, but it’s important to understand why they dig on you. Knowing the reasons why rabbits dig can help you better care for them and keep them safe. By providing rabbits with plenty of space to dig, providing them with good bedding and providing them with toys and other activities, you can help prevent digging behavior and keep your bunny happy and healthy.


Mary Ostin
About Mary Ostin

Hello, my name is Mary. I run this site with my husband Danielle. We got a pet rabbit a few years ago and now we want to share with you our experiences with feeding, caring for, and playing with our rabbit. As responsible owners, we visit the vet regularly and also keep a close eye on what our rabbit eats, how he sleeps, and what toys he plays with.

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