Discover the Amazing World of 10 Day Old Bunnies: All About Rabbits!

Witnessing the miracle of life is a unique and amazing experience. If you are looking for a way to experience this awe-inspiring moment, then look no further than 10 day old bunnies. Here, we will explore the stunning world of rabbits and how to care for 10 day old bunnies. We will discuss the various facts about rabbits, from the diet they need to their unique behaviors. We will also provide tips on how to properly care for 10 day old bunnies so that they can grow into healthy and happy adult rabbits. So, join us as we explore the miracle of life with 10 day old bunnies.



Witness the miracle of life with 10 Day Old Bunnies! Rabbits are one of the most beloved animals, and it is no wonder why. They are cute, gentle, and even have a certain intelligence about them that make them a truly special pet. With the right care, rabbits can live up to 8 years, and they can even be litter-trained! Here are some interesting facts about rabbits:

  • Size: Baby rabbits can be as small as 2 inches in length and weigh as little as 0.1 ounces!
  • Fur: Baby rabbits are born with soft fur that is usually brown or gray. As they get older, their fur changes to white, black, or gray.
  • Eyes: Baby rabbits open their eyes between 9 and 11 days old, which is around the age when they can start to hop and explore their surroundings.
  • Feeding: Newborn baby rabbits feed on their mother’s milk. As they get older, they can start to eat hay, pellets, and fresh vegetables.
  • Social: Rabbits are social animals and need regular time with their owners or other rabbits.

To ensure your pet rabbits are healthy and happy, it is important to know how to take care of newborn baby rabbits properly. This article will provide you with all the information you need to do just that!

History of Rabbits

History Of Rabbits

Era Description
Pleistocene First rabbits appeared in the fossil record around 2 million years ago
Middle Ages Rabbits were widely used for meat and fur, especially in Europe
18th Century Rabbits were first domesticated in England in the 1700s
19th Century Rabbits were exported to other countries and became popular as pets
20th Century Rabbits were widely bred for show, meat, fur, and laboratory use

Rabbits have been around for millions of years, but it wasn’t until the 18th century that they were domesticated. Since then, they have become popular as pets and show animals, as well as for their meat and fur. Today, rabbits are widely bred for a variety of purposes, from providing companionship to providing valuable research for laboratories.

Anatomy of Rabbits

Anatomy Of Rabbits

  • Rabbits are small, furry mammals with short, powerful hind legs and long ears. They have a short, round head with a short muzzle and short, round ears.
  • Hind Legs: Rabbits have very powerful hind legs which allow them to leap up to 3 feet in the air and run up to 30 mph.
  • Front Legs: Rabbits’ front legs are shorter and less powerful than their hind legs. They are used for walking and for grooming.
  • Head and Face: A rabbit’s head is short and round with a short muzzle and large, round eyes. The eyes sit on either side of the head and are set close together.
  • Ears: Rabbits’ ears are long, thin, and very mobile. They can turn and tilt their ears to help them hear better and to help them keep cool in hot weather.
  • Nose: A rabbit’s nose is long, pointed, and covered in a thin layer of fur. It is used for smelling and breathing.
  • Tail: Rabbits have a short, fuzzy tail that is used for balance and communication.
  • Fur: Rabbits have long, soft fur that helps to keep them warm and helps them blend in with their environment.
  • Digestive System: Rabbits have a very efficient digestive system that allows them to extract the maximum amount of nutrition from their food.
  • Teeth: Rabbits have long, sharp incisors that are used for cutting and grinding their food. They also have smaller molars in the back of their mouths that are used for grinding and chewing.

Life Cycle of Rabbits

Life Cycle Of Rabbits

Rabbits are fascinating creatures that have a complex life cycle. From conception to adulthood, a rabbit’s life is filled with change and growth.

Gestation: Rabbits have a gestation period of about 30 days, during which the mother rabbit will prepare a nest for her babies.

Birth: When the young rabbits are born, they are blind and helpless. The mother rabbit nurses them for a few days until they can move and explore their surroundings.

Weaning: After a few days, the mother rabbit begins to wean her young. This is when the baby rabbits begin to eat solid food and explore their environment.

Adulthood: By the time the rabbits are 8 to 10 weeks old, they are ready to be separated from their mother and start living on their own. At this point, they are considered adults and ready to start their own families.

Reproduction: Adult rabbits are capable of reproducing and can have up to four litters per year.

Stage Duration Description
Gestation 30 days Mother rabbit prepares a nest
Birth 1-2 days Young rabbits born blind and helpless
Weaning 3-4 days Young rabbits begin to eat solid food
Adulthood 8-10 weeks Rabbits ready to start their own families
Reproduction Anytime Up to four litters per year

Rabbits can live up to 8 years in the wild and up to 10 years in captivity. They are a fascinating species to observe and can be a great addition to any home.

Witnessing the Miracle of Life with 10 Day Old Bunnies

Witnessing The Miracle Of Life With 10 Day Old Bunnies

Caring for 10-Day Old Bunnies:
At 10 days old, baby bunnies are still very delicate and need to be handled with care. Make sure to hold them gently and support their small bodies with both hands. The babies should be kept in a warm and dry environment away from drafts and cold temperatures. Monitoring the temperature of the nest and providing the babies with a heat source such as a hot water bottle is important.

Feeding 10-Day Old Bunnies:
At this age, the babies will continue to nurse from their mother. To supplement their nourishment, it is important to provide an appropriate diet. Feeding the bunnies a formula specifically designed for them is recommended. This should be mixed with warm water and administered with a nursing bottle. The formula should be given in small amounts multiple times a day.

Socialization of 10-Day Old Bunnies:
At 10 days old, the bunnies are beginning to recognize their family members and the environment around them. It is important to introduce them to their surroundings and interact with them in a gentle way. This helps to promote proper socialization and bonding.

Grooming 10-Day Old Bunnies:
At this age, the bunnies need regular grooming to keep their fur clean and free of debris. A soft brush should be used to gently brush the fur. If needed, nail trimming can be done as well.

Health of 10-Day Old Bunnies:
At 10 days old, the bunnies should be monitored for any signs of illness or injury. It is important to be aware of their behaviors and any changes in their health. If there are any issues, it is best to seek veterinary attention immediately.

Witnessing the miracle of life with 10 day old bunnies is an amazing experience. Careful handling, appropriate diet, socialization and grooming are essential for the health and wellbeing of the bunnies. With proper care and attention, these tiny bundles of joy can grow up to be healthy and happy bunnies.

How to Take Care of Newborn Baby Rabbits

How To Take Care Of Newborn Baby Rabbits

Temperature: Newborn bunnies are not able to regulate their own body temperature and need to be kept warm. An ideal temperature for newborn bunnies is between 86-90°F.

Food: Newborn bunnies will nurse from their mother until they are approximately four weeks old. During this time, they will need to be supplemented with food and water.

Habitat: Provide a safe, warm, and dry environment for your newborn bunnies. Make sure the area is free of predators and drafts.

Handling: Handle newborn bunnies as little as possible. Too much contact with humans can cause stress and can lead to health issues.

Health Care:

  • Keep the bedding clean and dry.
  • Monitor for signs of illness such as diarrhea, difficulty breathing, and lethargy.
  • Take your bunnies to the vet for regular checkups.
  • Provide adequate nutrition.
  • Keep the habitat free of parasites.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your newborn bunnies will stay healthy and happy.



Age Food Type
0-2 Weeks Mother’s Milk
3-4 Weeks Rabbit Pellets, grass hay, vegetables, and mother’s milk
5-6 Weeks Rabbit Pellets, grass hay, vegetables, and water
7-8 Weeks Rabbit Pellets, grass hay, vegetables, and water
9+ Weeks Rabbit Pellets, grass hay, vegetables, and water

Rabbits need to be fed a nutritious diet from the time they are born. Until 2 weeks old, bunnies should be fed mother’s milk. From 3-4 weeks, they should be given rabbit pellets, grass hay, vegetables, and mother’s milk. Starting from 5-6 weeks, bunnies should be given rabbit pellets, grass hay, vegetables, and water. The same should be continued until they are 9 weeks old. After that, bunnies should be given rabbit pellets, grass hay, vegetables, and water. It is important to feed them a balanced diet to ensure they stay healthy and happy.



If you are planning to keep your 10 day old bunnies as pets, you must provide them with a safe and comfortable home. The most important thing is to ensure that the rabbits can’t escape, so you must use a secure hutch. The hutch should be large enough for them to move around, and should be kept clean at all times. You should also provide plenty of bedding such as hay or straw for them to stay warm and comfortable.

When it comes to how to take care of newborn baby rabbits, it is important to remember that young rabbits need special care in terms of their housing. It is best to keep them indoors, in a safe and warm environment, until they are at least eight weeks old. This will help to protect them from extreme temperatures, predators, and other dangers. It is also important to make sure that they have enough space to play and explore, as well as plenty of places to hide and snuggle.



10 day old bunnies require vaccinations to protect them from diseases and parasites. These vaccinations should be done when the rabbit is about 16 weeks old, and then repeated yearly for the rest of their life. Here is a list of the vaccinations required for newborn baby rabbits:

  • Myxomatosis – a virus that affects the lungs and eyes of rabbits
  • Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease – a virus that affects the liver and kidneys of rabbits
  • Viral Haemorrhagic Disease – a virus similar to Myxomatosis that can affect rabbits of any age
  • Encephalitozoon Cuniculi – a protozoan parasite that can cause neurological damage in rabbits

It is important to protect your 10 day old bunnies from these diseases and parasites, so make sure to vaccinate them as soon as possible. Regular check-ups and a good diet will also help to keep your rabbits healthy and happy.


Rabbits are one of the most popular pets, and it’s easy to understand why. They are incredibly cute and cuddly, and their playful nature makes them a joy to be around. If you’re considering getting a bunny, it’s important to be aware of the commitment that comes with breeding. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Consider your space: Before breeding, it’s important to make sure you have enough space to accommodate a litter of baby bunnies. They need a safe, enclosed space that’s big enough for them to move around in and explore.
  • Research the breed: Different breeds of rabbits have different needs. It’s important to do your research so you can provide the best care for your bunnies.
  • Prepare for the arrival of 10 day old bunnies: When the time comes to take care of newborn baby rabbits, you’ll need to make sure you have the right supplies. This includes a warm, dry place for them to sleep, as well as food and water.

Breeding rabbits can be a rewarding experience, but it’s important to be aware of the commitment that comes with it. With the right preparation and knowledge, you can ensure that your bunnies are safe and happy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Common Health Issues for 10 Day Old Rabbits?

10 day old rabbits are usually healthy and in good condition, but there are some common health issues that can arise in this age group. These include:

  • Dehydration: Young rabbits can easily become dehydrated if they do not have access to ample amounts of water.
  • Temperature Imbalance: It is critical to maintain a proper temperature for 10 day old rabbits, as they cannot regulate their own body temperature yet.
  • Infection: Bacterial or viral infections can arise in young rabbits, and can be very dangerous if not addressed quickly.
  • Inadequate Nutrition: 10 day old rabbits require a specific diet that is high in fiber and low in fat. If their diet is not balanced, they can become ill.
  • Parasites: Parasites such as mites and fleas can be a problem for young rabbits, and can spread quickly if not dealt with.

It is important to keep an eye on the health of 10 day old rabbits and to take any necessary measures to ensure their well-being.

What Type of Diet Should Be Fed to 10 Day Old Rabbits?

Mother’s Milk – 10 day old rabbits should be fed with their mother’s milk, as it contains the essential nutrients that help the rabbit grow healthy and strong.

Kibble – After 10 days, the rabbit should start to be given small amounts of kibble, which is a specially formulated food for rabbits that contains all the necessary nutrients.

Vegetables & Fruits – Rabbits should also be given vegetables and fruits as part of their diet. These should be given in small amounts and can include items such as carrots, apples, and lettuce.

Supplements – In addition, the rabbits should also be given supplements such as calcium and vitamin C, to ensure they are getting all the necessary nutrients.

Fresh Water – Lastly, fresh water should always be available to the rabbits to ensure they stay hydrated.

How Often Should 10 Day Old Rabbits Be Handled?

Newborn rabbits should only be handled for brief periods, such as for cleaning and feeding. This is because their immune systems are still immature and they are more prone to infection and stress. After 10 days of age, handling can be increased but still kept to a minimum for the first few weeks. It is important to give the baby bunnies ample time to rest and grow. If handling is necessary, it should be done in a gentle and calm manner.

What Type of Habitat Should Be Provided for 10 Day Old Rabbits?

  • Temperature: The habitat should be kept at a temperature of 70-75°F. The temperature should be monitored regularly.
  • Lighting: An artificial light should be provided for 10-12 hours each day.
  • Bedding: Soft bedding such as hay, straw, or paper towels should be provided for the rabbits.
  • Hiding Place: A hiding place should be provided for the rabbits to feel secure.
  • Toys: Small toys such as paper towel rolls, cardboard boxes, or paper cups should be provided for the rabbits to play with.
  • Food & Water: Fresh water and a high-quality pellet food should be provided for the rabbits.
  • Cleanliness: The habitat should be cleaned regularly to maintain a healthy environment.

What type of Environment do 10 Day Old Rabbits Need to Thrive?

10 day old rabbits need a warm, secure environment that is free from predators and other animals. They should be provided with a comfortable nesting area, with soft bedding and a source of heat. The temperature should be regulated between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The rabbits should also have access to plenty of hay, fresh water, and a balanced diet of hay, fresh fruits, and vegetables. A clean environment is essential, as is a safe and secure area for play and exercise.


Rabbits are one of the most beloved animal companions, and the 10 day old bunnies are a reminder of the miracle of life. They are incredibly fragile, so it is important for owners to be knowledgeable about their care and provide a safe and secure environment for them to thrive. With the proper nutrition, care and attention, these bunnies can grow up to be healthy and happy companions for years to come.


Mary Ostin
About Mary Ostin

Hello, my name is Mary. I run this site with my husband Danielle. We got a pet rabbit a few years ago and now we want to share with you our experiences with feeding, caring for, and playing with our rabbit. As responsible owners, we visit the vet regularly and also keep a close eye on what our rabbit eats, how he sleeps, and what toys he plays with.

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