How Eating Poop is Part of a Normal Rabbit Diet – All About Rabbits

It’s an odd question, and one that you may not have expected to ask: why do rabbits eat their own poop? It’s a behavior that can be both unappealing and concerning to rabbit owners, but it turns out that this seemingly strange behavior is actually a normal and necessary part of how rabbits maintain their health. The scientific term for this behavior is coprophagy, and it helps rabbits stay healthy by recycling certain vitamins and minerals that they need in order to survive. In this article, we’ll discuss why rabbits eat their own poop and how their owners can manage this behavior. So read on to learn more about why rabbit eats poop and how you can help keep your rabbit healthy and happy.

What is Rabbit Poop and What is a Cecotrope?

What Is Rabbit Poop And What Is A Cecotrope?
Rabbit poop, also known as a cecotropes, is produced as a soft, nutrient-rich, dark-colored, mucous-covered pellets that are passed separately from a rabbit’s regular, dry, hard droppings. Rabbit poop is made up of partially digested and partially undigested food that is then excreted, and is made up of essential B-complex vitamins, proteins, and beneficial bacteria that can help keep a rabbit healthy. Rabbits will consume their cecotropes directly from their anus as soon as they are excreted, as it is important for them to get all the nutrition from this beneficial waste.

Cecotropes are not the same as regular rabbit droppings, which are hard and dry. They are produced in the cecum, and are then passed out of the anus in clusters, creating a soft and smelly pile of poop. Cecotropes are usually eaten by the rabbit immediately after they are excreted because of the nutritional value. However, humans should not eat rabbit poop, as it can carry bacteria and parasites that can be harmful to humans.

What is the Difference Between Rabbit Poop and Cecotropes?

What Is The Difference Between Rabbit Poop And Cecotropes?

Rabbits produce two different types of droppings: regular “rabbit poop” and cecotropes. Regular rabbit poop is small, dry pellets that are usually found in the litter box. Cecotropes are made up of partially digested soft pellets covered in a slimy, mucous-like coating. While regular rabbit poop is usually brown in color, cecotropes are typically dark green or black.

The primary difference between the two is that cecotropes contain a higher concentration of nutrients, vitamins, and proteins. These are necessary for a rabbit’s health and well-being, so rabbits have evolved to eat their cecotropes in order to re-obtain these nutrients. This behavior, known as “coprophagy,” is completely natural, and there’s no need to worry if you catch your rabbit eating its own poop.

  • Regular rabbit poop is small, dry pellets that are usually found in the litter box.
  • Cecotropes are made up of partially digested soft pellets covered in a slimy, mucous-like coating.
  • Regular rabbit poop is usually brown in color, while cecotropes are typically dark green or black.
  • Cecotropes contain a higher concentration of nutrients, vitamins, and proteins than regular rabbit poop.
  • Rabbits have evolved to eat their cecotropes in order to re-obtain these nutrients, a behavior known as “coprophagy.”

Do Bunnies Eat Their Poop?

Do Bunnies Eat Their Poop?

Rabbits are known for their peculiar behavior of consuming their droppings, which is often referred to as coprophagy. Although this behavior may seem strange and disgusting, it’s actually beneficial for rabbits in a number of ways:

  • It helps them digest their food more efficiently.
  • It enables them to extract more nutrients from their food.
  • It helps them replenish their gut bacteria, which helps keep their digestive system healthy.
  • It helps them to produce more vitamin B.

Rabbits will consume two types of droppings: the first one, called cecotropes, is a soft, nutrient-rich, dark-colored droppings that they eat directly from their anus; the second one, called normal droppings, is a hard, dry, light-colored droppings that they usually eat off the ground.

Coprophagy is not only a natural behavior for rabbits, it’s also essential for their health and well-being. For this reason, it’s important to understand why do bunnies eat their poop so that we can keep them healthy and happy.

Why Do Bunnies Eat Their Poop?

Why Do Bunnies Eat Their Poop?

Rabbits are unique creatures with a variety of unusual behaviors, one of which is eating their own poop, also known as coprophagia. Rabbits process their food twice, which is why they produce two types of droppings. The first type is soft and green, known as cecotropes, and the second is dry, round pellets. While the latter is what most people think of when they see rabbit droppings, the former is what rabbits consume.

Rabbits consume cecotropes for a few reasons. Firstly, cecotropes contain nutrients and vitamins that rabbits can’t get from other sources. Secondly, eating cecotropes helps rabbits absorb more of the nutrients from the regular droppings. Lastly, it helps maintain the balance of bacteria in their gut, which is essential for their digestion.

In other words, eating cecotropes helps rabbits stay healthy. It’s an important behavior that they must do in order to survive, so it’s nothing to be concerned about if your rabbit is eating poop. In fact, it’s perfectly natural and should be expected.

Can Humans Eat Rabbit Poop?

The answer is, thankfully, no. Rabbit poop, also known as ‘bunny droppings’, is not safe for human consumption. Rabbit poop contains a variety of bacteria and parasites that can cause serious health issues in humans. Additionally, rabbit poop can contain coccidia and other parasites, which can infect humans if ingested.

Rabbit poop is primarily composed of undigested food material and fur, making it unsuitable for humans to eat. In addition, rabbits have a unique digestive system that allows them to extract nutrients from their food that humans cannot. This means that even if a human were to consume rabbit poop, they would not be able to absorb the nutrients contained in it.

Furthermore, rabbits are known to eat their own droppings, known as coprophagy. While this may seem unhygienic, rabbits actually do this to digest the nutrients and vitamins in their droppings that they may have missed the first time around. This process is unique to rabbits and is not recommended for humans.

Overall, it is not safe for humans to eat rabbit poop, as it contains a variety of bacteria, parasites, and other substances that humans cannot digest. Rabbits have a unique digestive system that allows them to extract nutrients from their own poop, but humans should not try to do the same. If you see your bunny eating poop, don’t worry – it’s perfectly natural!

How Often Do Rabbits Eat Their Poop?

How Often Do Rabbits Eat Their Poop?

Rabbits are unique animals with very unique behaviors. One of the most interesting behaviors is their tendency to eat their own poop, known as coprophagy. So, how often do rabbits eat their poop?

Rabbits Eat Their Poop Two Times a Day

Rabbits eat their poop two times a day on average, once in the morning and once in the evening. This behavior is a normal part of their digestive process and helps them get the maximum nutrition from their food.

Re-ingestion of Poop is Normal

Re-ingestion of poop is a normal behavior for rabbits, as it helps them extract the maximum amount of nutrition from their food. In the morning, rabbits eat their soft poop, which is packed with essential nutrients and vitamins. This helps their bodies recover from the night before and prepare for the day ahead.

Rabbits Eat Their Hard Poop at Night

At night, rabbits eat their hard poop, which is packed with protein, fat, and other essential nutrients. This helps their bodies repair and prepare for the next day. The hard poop also helps to keep their teeth clean.

Rabbits May Eat More or Less Often

It’s important to note that rabbits may eat their poop more or less often depending on their diet and health. Some rabbits may eat their poop several times a day while others may only eat it once a day.

Do Bunnies Eat Their Poop?

Yes, bunnies do eat their poop. As mentioned above, this is a normal behavior for rabbits and helps them to get the maximum nutrition from their food.

Is Eating Rabbit Poop Harmful to Rabbits?

Eating rabbit poop is not harmful to rabbits. Rabbit poop is actually made of two types of droppings: cecotropes and fecal pellets. The cecotropes are soft, dark, and covered in a slimy coating. These are not harmful for the rabbit to eat, as they are full of essential vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the rabbit’s health. Fecal pellets, on the other hand, are much harder and not as beneficial to the rabbit’s health. These are the ones that should not be ingested, as they can cause health problems if consumed in large amounts.

Rabbits must eat their cecotropes in order to stay healthy. This is because cecotropes contain a variety of essential vitamins and minerals, such as protein, carbohydrates, and fatty acids, that the rabbit needs to stay healthy. Rabbits are unable to absorb these nutrients from their regular food, so they must eat their cecotropes in order to get the nutrients they need.

Rabbit eating poop is not the same as cecotropes. Cecotropes are a specialized type of feces that rabbits produce, and they are not harmful for rabbits to eat. Fecal pellets, on the other hand, can be harmful if ingested in large amounts. Rabbits should only ingest cecotropes in order to stay healthy.

  • Eating rabbit poop is not harmful to rabbits.
  • Rabbit poop is made of two types of droppings: cecotropes and fecal pellets.
  • Cecotropes are full of essential vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the rabbit’s health.
  • Fecal pellets should not be ingested, as they can cause health problems if consumed in large amounts.
  • Rabbits must eat their cecotropes in order to stay healthy.
  • Rabbit eating poop is not the same as cecotropes.
  • Rabbits should only ingest cecotropes in order to stay healthy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Nutritional Benefits of Rabbits Eating Their Own Poop?

  • High in protein: Rabbits’ droppings are high in protein, making them an important source of nutrition for rabbits. Droppings contain more protein than hay, which is an important source of nutrients for a rabbit’s diet.
  • Re-digestion of food: The process of re-digestion helps rabbits to break down and absorb nutrients from their food more efficiently. This process is known as cecotrophy and it helps rabbits to get more out of their food.
  • Rich in vitamins and minerals: Rabbit droppings are rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B, zinc and iron. These vitamins and minerals are essential for a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Promotes digestive health: Eating their own droppings helps to keep rabbits’ digestive systems healthy. The re-digestion of food helps to break down food particles that may have been missed in the first digestion, allowing the rabbit to get the most out of its food.

Does this behavior have any negative effects on the rabbit’s health?

Yes, eating their own poop can have a negative effect on the rabbit’s health. The bacteria and parasites present in the rabbit’s feces can cause digestive upset, diarrhea, weight loss, and other health problems. In addition, the rabbit may be recycling toxins and ingesting harmful substances, which can further compromise their health.

Is it Normal for Rabbits to Eat Their Own Poop?

Yes, it is normal for rabbits to eat their own poop. This behavior, known as coprophagy, is a natural way for rabbits to get additional nutrients from their food, as well as help with digestion. Coprophagy also helps to keep the rabbit’s cage clean, since they will eat the droppings they produce.

Can a Rabbit’s Diet Impact Their Tendency to Eat Their Own Poop?

A balanced, nutrient-rich diet can help reduce a rabbit’s inclination to eat their own feces. Including items like fresh hay, leafy greens, and root vegetables in their diet can provide them with the necessary vitamins and minerals to help reduce their cecotrophy behavior. Additionally, offering plenty of fresh, clean water can help ensure that the rabbit stays hydrated and healthy.

Are there any ways to discourage rabbits from eating their own poop?

Yes, there are a few ways to discourage rabbits from eating their own poop.

  • Provide a variety of hay, fresh vegetables, and pellets for your rabbit.
  • Feed your rabbit consistently throughout the day.
  • Clean up any droppings immediately.
  • Ensure your rabbit has plenty of exercise and stimulation.
  • Provide toys and activities to keep your rabbit active and engaged.
  • Keep your rabbit’s litter box clean and free of droppings.
  • Introduce a water bottle to encourage your rabbit to drink more water.

By following these steps, you can help discourage your rabbit from eating their own poop. Making sure your rabbit gets enough exercise and stimulation can also help reduce the likelihood that they will engage in this behavior.


Rabbits eating their own poop is a behavior that is perfectly natural for them. It provides them with important nutrients that they need and helps them to stay healthy. While it is not something that humans typically do, rabbits should be allowed to continue this behavior without any intervention.


Mary Ostin
About Mary Ostin

Hello, my name is Mary. I run this site with my husband Danielle. We got a pet rabbit a few years ago and now we want to share with you our experiences with feeding, caring for, and playing with our rabbit. As responsible owners, we visit the vet regularly and also keep a close eye on what our rabbit eats, how he sleeps, and what toys he plays with.

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