What Types Of Lettuce Can Rabbits Eat?

Rabbits are omnivorous, and like most other mammals, they require a diet that is high in protein to stay healthy. Lettuce is one of the primary sources of fresh protein available to rabbits, and like most other green leafy vegetables, it contains a high amount of essential nutrients which are necessary for cellular function and the maintenance of a strong immune system. While we often think of lettuce as a topping for a burger or sandwich, it can also be a part of a healthy diet for rabbits, especially if it’s grown in a free-standing garden or planted in the ground in a hole with a little dirt on top.

lettuce for bunny

Different Forms Of Lettuce

There are several different forms of lettuce, which means that there is more than one way to prepare it. These forms include:

Romaine Lettuce

This is the classic lettuce for rabbits. Its leaves are thick, and it tends to grow quickly, so it is ideal for younger rabbits that are just starting out. This type of lettuce does not need to be pre-washed before feeding, and the thick leaves hide any imperfections in the food, ensuring a nutritious and safe meal for your little one. Choosing Romaine lettuce is a great way to begin your rabbit’s diet change, because it is among the most common and accessible vegetable options out there, and its thick leaves prevent any food from being wasted.

The only downside to Romaine lettuce is that it can become a bit pricey. It’s not uncommon for people to charge $10 for a small bag or a few leaves for an entire rabbit, so it may not be a suitable option for those on a budget. Also, since it is a relatively low-growing plant that is highly prone to toppling over in strong winds or heavy rain, it may not be the most stable of the options when placed directly to the soil. However, if you are able to find a patch of land that is sheltered from the wind and rain, planting Romaine lettuce is still a great option.

Cosmo Lettuce

This is the slightly more modern or trendy lettuce for rabbits. It has been popularized by California cuisine, and it tends to taste better than Romaine lettuce due to the fact that it has been pre-washed and spinned to remove any excess moisture. Cosmo lettuce also looks better because it is greener and has less of a tendency to wilt.

The downsides to Cosmo lettuce are similar to those of Romaine lettuce, but they are more prominent. First, despite being pre-washed, the spin-drying can make the lettuce look a little dry, which can affect the texture when eaten. Second, the cost of this type of lettuce is more due to its popularity than to its price, which is relatively high. Third, since it is a relatively new lettuce variety, there may not be any established protocols for rearing and feeding rabbits, although some owners have noted that hand-rearing works well with this type of lettuce.

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Arugula Lettuce

This is more mature lettuce, with sturdy leaves that can handle being planted closer to the garden center without any problems. Like other leafy vegetables, it can be fed in small amounts to babies, as the leaves are easily crumbled and mixed in with whatever the rabbit is eating at the time. But for older rabbits, arugula lettuce can become a little pricey, as it is a commonly used ingredient in some dog food varieties. So if you are feeding arugula, be sure to check the price first before you buy a bag, as it can cost a lot!

Mustard Lettuce

This is the humble little sister of the culinary superstar, and it has been known to flourish in soils with high amounts of sand. It does not get nearly as much attention as its more famous counterpart, but the mustard leaf has its advantages for rabbits that are fed it. First, it adds a small protective coating to the digestive system, which can help prevent damage from some of the more abrasive ingredients that your rabbit might be eating, such as wood pellets or crushed eggshells. Second, it adds a little zing to the mix, which can help with the digestion process.

The downside to feeding mustard lettuce is that rabbits may find it a bit bland, which makes it more difficult to add it to a recipe, and it also means that you will need to add more vegetables to the diet if you want the rabbit to eat it. So unless you are already feeding your rabbit a varied diet, adding mustard lettuce is probably not a good idea, as it will likely make the meat appear a little grayish due to the lack of color in the leaves.

Spinach Lettuce

For those seeking a vitamin A boost, spinach lettuce is the way to go. This type of lettuce provides more than enough nutrients for your rabbit to grow a healthy coat and shiny fur.


You can gently brush this form of lettuce on your rabbits, to help them in the grooming process. The tiny leaves are perfect in adding a small touch of texture and colour to your animal as they groom themselves. Give them some time to enjoy chickweed as a form of pest control, as it may help to keep their coats shiny and free of mats.

letucci for rabbits

Romaine Or Cosmo Lettuce

If you are preparing salads for your rabbits, then you may want to consider giving them romaine lettuce, which has a mild flavor that they will enjoy. Some breeds of rabbits are more sensitive to heat than others, so if your pets have been known to suffer from bad digestion, then you may want to avoid the cosmo lettuce as it can slightly overcook the food, causing it to become mushy.

Radiant Or Marbled Almond Flower Lettuce

When your rabbit comes across an almond flower, they will instantly start chewing it, and this is why you should always put this option on your radar. The juicy petals are a natural source of antioxidants, which help protect your pet’s skin. If your rabbit’s digestion is not very good, then chewing on the flower can actually help improve it, as the sap will help nourish the lining of their stomach. Plus, the flower gives your animal a dose of vitamins A and E, which are both good for their skin and coat health.

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Can rabbits eat all types of lettuce?

Leaf, lamb’s, or romaine lettuce are all good options to add to your rabbit’s diet in moderation. Butterhead lettuce can be given as an occasional treat. Any other types of lettuce, especially iceberg lettuce, should always be avoided.

Can bunnies eat green leaf lettuce?

I have only given my rabbits the following foods and they seem to enjoy them: lettuce (romaine, red or green leaf, escarole, endive, radicchio, etc.), which rabbits apparently like, even if it is bitter. If in doubt about what kind of lettuce to give your rabbit, consult your veterinarian.

How often should rabbits eat lettuce?

How many lettuce leaves can a rabbit eat per day? It is best to start with a small number of leaves. Once you are sure that your rabbit’s digestive system can handle lettuce, you can feed him 2-3 large leaves a day. Larger rabbits can eat more lettuce without any adverse effects.

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Mary Ostin
About Mary Ostin

Hello, my name is Mary. I run this site with my husband Danielle. We got a pet rabbit a few years ago and now we want to share with you our experiences with feeding, caring for, and playing with our rabbit. As responsible owners, we visit the vet regularly and also keep a close eye on what our rabbit eats, how he sleeps, and what toys he plays with.

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