What Do Rabbits Need in Their Cage: Complete Review

Rabbits are often kept as pets, and they require a good deal of care and attention. One of the most important aspects of caring for a pet rabbit is providing them with a suitable cage. The cage you choose for your rabbit should be big enough for them to move around freely, and it should be equipped with everything they need to be comfortable and safe. In this article you will learn what do bunnies need in a cage.

What Do Rabbits Need in Their Cage
Here’s what your rabbit needs in a cage:

  1. A safe, secure enclosure.
  2. Room to move. Rabbits need plenty of space to move around and exercise.
  3. A comfortable place to rest. Provide your rabbit with a soft, comfortable place to sleep.
  4. Fresh water.
  5. Healthy food.
  6. Chew toys.

What to Put in Bunny Cage

Rabbits are wonderful, social animals that make great pets. However, before bringing a rabbit home, it is important to have a proper cage set up. Below you will learn what do you need for a bunny as a pet:


When it comes to bedding for your rabbit’s cage, there are a few things to keep in mind. The bedding should be soft and comfortable for your rabbit to sleep on, but also absorbent in order to keep the cage clean. There are a few different types of bedding that you can use for your rabbit, such as straw, hay, or even recycled paper.

One thing to keep in mind is that your rabbit may chew on the bedding, so it’s important to choose a type that is safe for them to ingest. Hay and straw are good options, as they are natural and won’t harm your rabbit if they eat them. Recycled paper bedding is also a safe option, but it’s not as absorbent as straw or hay, so you may need to change it more often.

When it comes to bedding, it’s important to give your rabbit a variety. This way, they can choose what they like to sleep on and you can see what works best for your cage. By providing a variety of bedding options, you can create a comfortable and safe environment for your rabbit to sleep in.

Cage Bedding

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Sanctuary or Shack

If you have a pet rabbit, you may be wondering if you should get a sanctuary or shack for their cage.

A sanctuary is a great way to give your rabbit some extra space to run around and explore. It can also provide them with a place to hide if they feel scared or overwhelmed. However, sanctuaries can be expensive and they take up a lot of space.

A shack is a cheaper alternative to a sanctuary and it doesn’t take up as much space. However, shacks can be small and cramped, which may not be ideal for your rabbit.

The Rabbit's Sanctuary

Accessories for Bunnies (Toys)

Rabbits are playful creatures that love to have toys in their cage to play with. Some great toys for rabbits include:

  • a cardboard box with holes cut out for the rabbit to enter and exit;
  • a small plastic ball;
  • a soft, plush toy;
  • a willow branch;
  • a piece of untreated wood for chewing.

Rabbits love to play and explore, so it’s important to provide them with toys that will keep them entertained and stimulate their natural curiosity. By offering a variety of toys, you can help your rabbit stay active and healthy both physically and mentally.

toys for the rabbit

Dry Food Pellets and Bowl

Rabbits are herbivores, so they need hay, fresh vegetables, and a small number of pellets to stay healthy. You can buy a special food bowl for the rabbit cage that dispenses food pellets slowly. This is a great way to make sure your rabbit always has food available, and it also helps to keep the cage clean.

There are a few different types of food pellets available for rabbits. Some are made with dried fruits and vegetables, while others are made with grains and other natural ingredients. Be sure to choose a pellet that is nutritionally balanced for your rabbit.

Dry food granules

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Fresh Veggies

Giving your pet rabbit fresh vegetables is a great way to provide him with essential nutrients and add some variety to his diet. Some vegetables that are safe for rabbits to eat include carrots, celery, green beans, zucchini, and Romaine lettuce. It’s important to wash all vegetables thoroughly before giving them to your rabbit to remove any dirt or pesticides.

Small amounts of fresh vegetables should be given to rabbits every day. Start by giving your rabbit a few pieces of carrot or celery and gradually increase the amount as he becomes more comfortable with them. You can also mix different types of vegetables together to create a healthy and tasty salad for your rabbit.

If your rabbit is not used to eating fresh vegetables, start by gradually adding them to his diet. Some rabbits may have trouble digesting vegetables, so watch your rabbit’s behavior and stool closely to make sure he is not having any negative reactions.

Fresh veggies for rabbits

Water Bottle or Bowl

There are a variety of water bottle or bowl options available for your rabbit’s cage. It is important that your rabbit always has access to fresh, clean water. Water bottles are a popular choice because they are easy to use and keep the water clean. However, bowls are also a good option, and some rabbits prefer them.

When choosing a water bottle or bowl for your rabbit’s cage, consider the size of the cage and the number of rabbits you are housing. If your cage is small, a water bottle may be the best option, as bowls can take up a lot of space. If you have several rabbits, you may want to use a bowl to avoid having to refill the bottle multiple times a day.

Another things bunnies need to consider is the type of material the bottle or bowl is made from. Plastic water bottles can be easily chewed on by rabbits, so if you choose this option, be sure to get a sturdy bottle that is difficult for your rabbit to break. Glass or ceramic bowls are less likely to be chewed on, but they can be broken if your rabbit is determined to break them.

Finally, consider the price of the water bottle or bowl. Some are cheaper than others, so be sure to choose one that fits into your budget.

rabbit drinking water


Hay is a very important part of a rabbit’s diet. It helps keep their digestive system healthy and prevents them from getting sick. Hay should be a part of every rabbit’s diet and should be offered at all times. There are many different types of hay, so it’s important to choose the right one.

The most common type of hay is Timothy hay. This hay is high in fiber and is good for the digestive system. Other types of hay include oat hay, barley hay, and straw.

hay for rabbits

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A Litter Box or Tray

A litter box or tray for the rabbit cage is an important part of keeping your rabbit healthy and clean. It is important to choose the right size litter box for your rabbit. The litter box should be big enough for your rabbit to move around in and turn around easily. It should also be deep enough for your rabbit to cover its droppings.

You can find litter boxes made specifically for rabbits at pet stores. You can also use a plastic storage bin or cat litter box. If you use a storage bin, make sure it has low sides so your rabbit can easily get in and out.

Line the bottom of the litter box with 1-2 inches of rabbit-safe litter. You can find rabbit-safe litter at pet stores or online. Avoid using clumping litter, as it can be harmful if your rabbit ingests it.

Rabbits like to dig and burrow, so they may kick the litter out of the box. To help keep the litter in the box, you can put a piece of cardboard or a litter mat under the box.

Rabbits should have access to a litter box or tray at all times.

cage tray for rabbits


If you’re looking for a way to give your rabbit some extra space to run around, a tunnel is a great option. Tunnels provide a fun place for rabbits to explore and play, and can help keep them exercised and healthy.

When choosing a tunnel for your rabbit, be sure to pick one that is made of safe, non-toxic materials and is the right size for your rabbit. Avoid tunnels with small openings or those that are made of mesh, as these can pose a danger to your rabbit.

Once you have a tunnel, simply place it in your rabbit’s cage or enclosure. Your rabbit will likely start using it right away and will have a blast running through it!

Rabbit Cage Set Up Indoor

If you’re lucky enough to have a pet rabbit, you know that they make great indoor companions. But did you know that there are some special considerations to take when setting up your rabbit’s cage indoors? Here are some tips to help you create a safe and comfortable space for your furry friend:

  1. Location, location, location. When choosing a spot for your rabbit’s cage, consider both their needs and your own. Rabbits need a quiet place to rest and plenty of space to move around, so a spare bedroom or office is ideal. But you’ll also want to make sure the cage is out of the way of foot traffic and away from drafts.
  2. Make it escape-proof. Even the smartest rabbits can be escape artists, so it’s important to choose a cage with secure latch and locks.

Daily Rabbit Care Checklist

  • A daily routine for your rabbit should include some form of exercise bunny outside the cage. This can be in the form of supervised playtime in a room or designated area, or simply letting them out to explore for a bit.
  • Rabbits should have access to hay at all times. This can be in the form of loose hay, hay pellets, or hay cubes.
  • A fresh, clean water source should be available to your rabbit at all times. This can be in the form of a water bottle or water bowl.
  • A healthy diet for your rabbit should consist of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as a small amount of pellets.
  • Your rabbit should be groomed on a regular basis. This includes brushing their fur and trimming their nails.
  • Rabbits are social animals and should have some form of interaction with you or another rabbit on a daily basis. This can be in the form of petting, playing, or simply spending time near them.


Do bunnies need bedding in their cage?

Bunnies do not need bedding in their cages, but some people like to use it to make their bunny’s living space more comfortable.

What does a pet rabbit need?

A pet rabbit needs a clean cage, fresh water and hay, and a healthy diet of pellets, vegetables, and fruit.

How often should the cage be cleaned?

Cage cleaning is a task that can be performed as often as necessary. Generally, a cage should be cleaned before it gets soiled, but it should also be given a thorough cleaning after the rabbit has been sick and has left feces in the cage.

What supplies do you need for a Bunny?

There are a few materials you will need for your rabbit. The essentials are a food dish, water dish, hay rack, and a litter box.


In this article you learned what to put in a rabbit cage. Overall, rabbits are often kept in cages, and while this can provide them with a safe and secure environment, it’s important to make sure that their cage is large enough for them to move around in. A good rule of thumb is to give them at least four times the space that they would occupy if they were lying down.

Also read:


  • Willow | Wikipedia – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willow
  • Pesticides | National Institute of
    Environmental Health Sciences – https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/agents/pesticides/index.cfm
  • Timothy hay | Anderson Hay – https://www.anderson-hay.com/timothy-hay
Mary Ostin
About Mary Ostin

Hello, my name is Mary. I run this site with my husband Danielle. We got a pet rabbit a few years ago and now we want to share with you our experiences with feeding, caring for, and playing with our rabbit. As responsible owners, we visit the vet regularly and also keep a close eye on what our rabbit eats, how he sleeps, and what toys he plays with.

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